Comments on: 1000th Aortic Aneurysm Repair: Mr. Jim Reaser News Resources Wed, 08 May 2013 20:31:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Polly Gilgenbach Wed, 08 May 2013 20:31:37 +0000 Thank you for your note. We are happy to hear that you are following up with your local physician. I have attached a link to a page on our website about your condition.

By: susanashephard Tue, 07 May 2013 00:26:59 +0000 In reply to martin A Parkhurst.

Thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately, we cannot provide a second opinion or treatment recommendations through this form of communication. Yes, please discuss this further with your local urologist. Thanks again.

By: susanashephard Tue, 07 May 2013 00:26:59 +0000 In reply to martin A Parkhurst.

Thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately, we cannot provide a second opinion or treatment recommendations through this form of communication. Yes, please discuss this further with your local urologist. Thanks again.

By: martin A Parkhurst Mon, 06 May 2013 15:58:11 +0000 I have a mild aneuryism in my admonial area for the past two years now it has been growing very slightly and is being monitor ona yearly basis I smoke and am on satin drugs for high colestrol which is in check at this current time I also have had some recent surgery to remove a 9mm kidney stone for bladder. I have a few more still in my kidneys I haven’t been able to have a erection haven’t been able to have sex with my girl friend for ths length of time which has put a strain on our relationship I was wondering if the aneuryism is part of the cause of me not having a erection or my satin drugs or the combination of all three reasons for my ED problem I have a follow up visit with my urologist in two weeks should I discuss this concern with him can you tell me if the aneuryism can casue ths to happen. lease send me a response to my email address thank you for your time . please ignore my bad spelling i’m notthe typist I used to be

By: martin A Parkhurst Mon, 06 May 2013 15:58:11 +0000 I have a mild aneuryism in my admonial area for the past two years now it has been growing very slightly and is being monitor ona yearly basis I smoke and am on satin drugs for high colestrol which is in check at this current time I also have had some recent surgery to remove a 9mm kidney stone for bladder. I have a few more still in my kidneys I haven’t been able to have a erection haven’t been able to have sex with my girl friend for ths length of time which has put a strain on our relationship I was wondering if the aneuryism is part of the cause of me not having a erection or my satin drugs or the combination of all three reasons for my ED problem I have a follow up visit with my urologist in two weeks should I discuss this concern with him can you tell me if the aneuryism can casue ths to happen. lease send me a response to my email address thank you for your time . please ignore my bad spelling i’m notthe typist I used to be
