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    Consumer Health: Alzheimer’s disease and health care

a portrait of two women, one elderly, the other middle age, perhaps a mother and daughterAlzheimer's disease: 7 tips for medical visits
People who have dementia due to Alzheimer's disease need regular medical care to address a range of health and behavioral issues. Caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease means frequent visits with their health care providers. Here are seven tips to make the most of those appointments.


Also in today's tips ...

What causes plugged ears? What is the remedy?
With plugged ears, the eustachian tubes that run between your middle ear and the back of your nose become obstructed. You may experience a feeling of fullness or pressure in your ears. You also may have ear pain, dizziness and muffled hearing. Learn more from Dr. Laura Orvidas, a Mayo Clinic otolaryngologist, about simple treatments you can try to ease these symptoms and when you need to seek medical care.

Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes long-lasting inflammation and ulcers in your digestive tract. Symptoms may include diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, weight loss, and fatigue. In children, another symptom is failure to grow. Learn more about the types of ulcerative colitis and when you need to seek medical care.

Calcium supplements and thyroid hormone replacement therapy
Calcium supplements and antacids containing calcium can interfere with the absorption of thyroid hormone replacement medications. It's important to understand this interaction and take thyroid hormone replacement medications exactly as prescribed. Learn more from Dr. Todd Nippoldt, a Mayo Clinic endocrinologist.

Candida cleanse diet: Does it work?
Some complementary and alternative medicine practitioners attribute common symptoms, such as fatigue, headache and poor memory, on overgrowth of the funguslike organism Candida albicans in the intestines. This is sometimes called "yeast syndrome." To cure the syndrome, they recommend a candida cleanse diet, which makes some people feel better after a few weeks but likely is not due to any change in candida levels. Learn more from Dr. Brent Bauer, director of Mayo Clinic's Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program.

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