Comments on: Lessons Learned from Mayo Clinic: A Caregiver’s Perspective News Resources Mon, 26 Sep 2011 14:41:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amy Keene Mon, 26 Sep 2011 14:41:16 +0000 Mayo Clinic is a JOKE and obviously intimidated by the not so mighty John’s Hopkins. My 20 year old has been hospitalized 7 times since December 2010 for various GI reasons including vomiting blood,extreme bloody diarrhea, severe stomach pain that last for days and severe nausea. It started with a pancreatitis attack which led to removal of his Gallbladder at a local hospital in Alabama near his college, two weeks later a 10 day stay at John’s Hopkins where they diagnosed him with Abdominal Migraines, gave him meds that didn’t help him at all and then we find out 5 months later from Hopkin’s that oh, yeah we forgot to tell you he has Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction and needs a sphincterotomy, had that done and were told that hopefully that would solve the pain issue, no such luck. In June he and his Dad drove back to Tuscaloosa for school and on the way he ended up in the ICU at Vanderbilt Hospital after filling up a toilet bowl full of blood 11 times in 24 hours. Vanderbilt couldn’t do a colonoscopy because he was throwing up too much, so they did a sigmoidoscopy and said he might have a fissure, really that much blood from a fissure? One of the latest hospitalizations was in July in Alabama because he was vomiting blood and and upper endoscopy showed erosive esophagitis and H-Pylori. His last hospitalization was 2 weeks ago where his espohagus inflammed so much he coudn’t swallow. We have heard Crohn’s mentioned from every single Dr he has ever come in contact with, but they all say it is very hard to diagnose. This is what we were hoping Mayo could help us with,or come up with their own diagnosis, but they say they wouldn’t do any different test then Hopkins did in december, the same Hopkin’s that diagnosed him with Abdominal Migraines? Why would a 20 year old have all of these issues, he eats very well, does not drink alcohol, does not smoke and is an amazing young man who is at the end of his rope. He has tried to complete 2 semesters at Univ of Ala, but because of his health has not been able to. He is back at it again because he wants to be a normal kid, get a degree and make something of his life. Most of the Doctors we come in contact with tell us that his case is just way out of their league, heck even his practitioner at Hopkin’s says she believes he needs the Mayo for a true diagnosis, but I guess there just isn’t anyone who wants to put the effort in to think outside of the box and figure this out. I am so sorry for such a long post, but I am one angry, frustrated and sad Mom who put all of her hopes in the Mayo giving my Son either a correct diagnosis or helping him feel better period!

By: jules Fri, 16 Sep 2011 10:17:01 +0000 update on my negative expiriences at mayo,a letter was sent certified to the ceo,no response,patient affairs have been less than satisfactory in addressing the situation.i am still suffering badly and struggling night and day with intense hometown doctor has stated to get on mayo to take care of removing the recalled cadaver part out of my response from mayos top surgeon who was paid highly for the surgery. where is the needs of the patient???? the more i deal with these so called the professionals the more absolutely unbelieveable and horrible uncaring individuals mayo employees have shown there incompetent and nasty ways.TRULY A PATHETIC ORGANIZATION.

By: jules Fri, 05 Aug 2011 10:05:57 +0000 i have since learned that the material used in my hand has been recalled and the fda does not know what lot numbers were affected with pathogens.the only way of finding out is a tissue sample.i called the corporation that sells the cadaver material and was told by a companies spokesperson that the product was not intended for the use of which the mayo hand surgeon used it for and to have it removed immediately.the mayo hand surgeon is refusing to take my calls.where is the needs of the patient.your patient affair rep. shannon not only lied to me,she threatened me.mayo is in dire need of new managment.YOU ARE DEALING WITH HUMAN LIFE NOT NUMBERS.i urge all patients to report the poor care to the state and to joint commision the patient is the one that really controls,advocate for yourself.if someone is mistreating you report the incompetence and the abuse.this is the only way to put an end to such medical incompetence,remember your plight is paying the bill.the name of the head of patient affairs should be posted here as well as the ceo of the mayo clinic.

By: Joyce Groenke Wed, 20 Jul 2011 19:49:57 +0000 In reply to jules.

We’re sorry you feel your experience at Mayo Clinic was unsatisfactory. You will need to continue to work through the Office of Patient Affairs. The number is: 507-284-4988

By: jules Sat, 16 Jul 2011 11:40:08 +0000 mayo clinic rochester,mn. i received poor care at the mayo orthopedic doctor tried to force me to sign a care contract 2 days before i was to have major thoracic surgery because of multiple foul ups on mayos staff and the hand surgeons the contract it stated if i did not sign the contract i would be refused any medical care at the mayo clinic. i refused,absolutely unbelieveable that a doctor would even think of such an assinine thing.this doctor is touted to be the best hand surgeons,i did nothing wrong to be treated in such a ruthless manner.i went through the thoracic surgery much to my dismay i am now in worse condition prior the hand surgeries and the thoracic surgery and was forced out of st. marys too soon and the rehab post-op for the spine surgery was denied and the post-op care was horrible no pain control 12 hours post-op.nasty incompetent nurse staff and spine surgeon was off to a conference and left an incompetent intern in charge of my care.i have tried to rationally resolve the situation office of patient affairs (name removed) threatened me and stated i am going to get on the doctors to get you out of here.mayo is a mess very poorly run. their main concern is making money and not caring for the absolute disgrace to medical profession.after being put through hell and being charged $$$$$ i highly reccomend finding care elsewhere.

By: Joyce Groenke Mon, 13 Jun 2011 20:42:25 +0000 I spoke with our Office of Patient Affairs, and they would be very happy to visit with your aunt if she wants to call them and talk about her care. The numbers are Minnesota: 507-284-4988; Florida: 904-953-2019; Arizona: 480-342-2651.

By: Joyce Groenke Mon, 13 Jun 2011 18:45:37 +0000 In reply to Barbara Passman.

Thank you for your message. We appreciate your concern for your aunt.

By: Joyce Groenke Mon, 13 Jun 2011 18:45:37 +0000 In reply to Barbara Passman.

Thank you for your message. We appreciate your concern for your aunt.

By: Barbara Passman Mon, 13 Jun 2011 18:31:47 +0000 I am writing this heartsick because a very dear older “aunt” is probably going to suffer or possibly die soon because her total faith in Mayo clinic was misplaced..
I have concern that no one at Mayo, no physician paid attention to the aunt’s family history.Had that been done- had staff taken pains to ask questions- they would have learned that sister was being treated for lung cancer and I am sure my aunt would have had her annual chest xray last year and that would have found her cancer. Instead, after annual chest fims at Mayo ,becauseof suspicious tissue found ten years ago, no xray was taken last year.2009 xray taken and now in 2011 and advance disease found- the same as her late sister. Suspicious lung tissue + history of first degree relative with lung cancer = calls for close follow up, not a two year spread! I also have to worry that past fims may not always have been interpreted correctly
Additionally, my aunt reports that upon this visit (last month) doctors kept throwing her age (late 80″s) as if this alters the type of care she should receive.
Although the printed report given the patient constantly refers to her full comprehension and active participation in discussion, that ain’t so. My Aunt and her spouse are timid when discussing with MDS, medically naive and came home with considerable confusion and fear.
-My aunt came home with wrong understandting of what meds she should take.She misunderstood why suggestion was msde to stop some vitamins and instead stopped all her prescribed neds
– She misunderstood what was told her about her new cancer diagnosis.
– one MD rudely told her not to question what he was telling her. “If you question my advice, I will recite to you all the degrees and credentials I have”

I am heartsick.Some of the finest care is offered in my aunt’s home city but she has always run to Mayo. She and her hubby are enamoured by the fancy lobby, the connecting hallways and tunnels and the hi tech environment. But all the posh and polish was not good enough to assist an elderly old fashioned lady who needed patient attention to ask about what she did not know to verbalize herself .The close monitoring for a serious disease which she did not know to request was not given to her.

By: Barbara Passman Mon, 13 Jun 2011 18:31:47 +0000 I am writing this heartsick because a very dear older “aunt” is probably going to suffer or possibly die soon because her total faith in Mayo clinic was misplaced..
I have concern that no one at Mayo, no physician paid attention to the aunt’s family history.Had that been done- had staff taken pains to ask questions- they would have learned that sister was being treated for lung cancer and I am sure my aunt would have had her annual chest xray last year and that would have found her cancer. Instead, after annual chest fims at Mayo ,becauseof suspicious tissue found ten years ago, no xray was taken last year.2009 xray taken and now in 2011 and advance disease found- the same as her late sister. Suspicious lung tissue + history of first degree relative with lung cancer = calls for close follow up, not a two year spread! I also have to worry that past fims may not always have been interpreted correctly
Additionally, my aunt reports that upon this visit (last month) doctors kept throwing her age (late 80″s) as if this alters the type of care she should receive.
Although the printed report given the patient constantly refers to her full comprehension and active participation in discussion, that ain’t so. My Aunt and her spouse are timid when discussing with MDS, medically naive and came home with considerable confusion and fear.
-My aunt came home with wrong understandting of what meds she should take.She misunderstood why suggestion was msde to stop some vitamins and instead stopped all her prescribed neds
– She misunderstood what was told her about her new cancer diagnosis.
– one MD rudely told her not to question what he was telling her. “If you question my advice, I will recite to you all the degrees and credentials I have”

I am heartsick.Some of the finest care is offered in my aunt’s home city but she has always run to Mayo. She and her hubby are enamoured by the fancy lobby, the connecting hallways and tunnels and the hi tech environment. But all the posh and polish was not good enough to assist an elderly old fashioned lady who needed patient attention to ask about what she did not know to verbalize herself .The close monitoring for a serious disease which she did not know to request was not given to her.
