Comments on: Stories of the Heart News Resources Tue, 03 Feb 2009 23:02:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nancy Gallagher Tue, 03 Feb 2009 23:02:43 +0000 In response to your January blog I am writing to Peter Reinhart who told a story about a doctor who he says saved his life. He said he didn’t know where that doctor is today. The doctor’s name is Mitchell Marion and he now practices at MeritCare in Bemidji. I went to see him about hearing loss and learned that after leaving Mayo Rochester he went to Mayo in Arizona and then came here to Bemidji, I expect to finish his work life in a quieter environment. He may even be retired by now. I’m sure he would appreciate hearing from a former patient and I will try to forward this to the clinic here but maybe Mr. Reinhart would like to know where Dr. Marion is as well.

By: Nancy Gallagher Tue, 03 Feb 2009 23:02:43 +0000 In response to your January blog I am writing to Peter Reinhart who told a story about a doctor who he says saved his life. He said he didn’t know where that doctor is today. The doctor’s name is Mitchell Marion and he now practices at MeritCare in Bemidji. I went to see him about hearing loss and learned that after leaving Mayo Rochester he went to Mayo in Arizona and then came here to Bemidji, I expect to finish his work life in a quieter environment. He may even be retired by now. I’m sure he would appreciate hearing from a former patient and I will try to forward this to the clinic here but maybe Mr. Reinhart would like to know where Dr. Marion is as well.
