Diabetes remission index (DRI)

Before surgery

Step 1 of 6
Which of the following diabetes-related vascular diseases have you been diagnosed with?
Step 2 of 6
How many medication(s) have you been taking before undergoing the bariatric procedure including insulin?
Step 3 of 6
Prior to surgery, what is your fasting glucose level range (mg/dL)?
Step 4 of 6
Have you been using insulin before undergoing the bariatric procedure?
Step 5 of 6
How many years have you had a formal diabetes diagnosis?
Step 6 of 6
What is your HbA1c level range before undergoing the bariatric procedure?
Review your responses

If everything looks correct, please click or tap the "Submit" button.


Predicted diabetes remission

For Roux-En-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery:
For Sleeve gastrectomy (SG) surgery:
Based on your individual health data, your estimated probability of diabetes remission after surgery is listed above. This estimate considers factors such as your current health states, and the type of surgery, providing a personalized prediction of your potential for diabetes remission.
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