• Health & Wellness

    Fighting the Battles of Military Suicide

Military suicide is a major public health concern. The suicide rate in the U.S. Army exceeds the rate in the general population, and psychiatric admission is the most common reason for hospitalization in the Army. Mayo Clinic psychiatrist and suicide expert for the Army, Timothy Lineberry, M.D., describes these trends in the September edition of Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

Dr. Lineberry says,“Despite the anticipated end of large-scale military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, the affects on the mental health of active-duty service members, reservists and veterans is only just beginning to be felt." In the article, Dr. Lineberry outlines four steps he believes could help curb military suicide:  

  • Reduce access to guns and other means of suicide  
  • Watch for sleep disturbances
  • Prescribe opioid medications carefully and monitor
  • Improve primary care treatment for depression

Read entire news release: Military Suicides

Sound bites with Dr. Lineberry are available in the downloads.

Expert title for broadcast cg: Dr. Timothy Lineberry, Mayo Clinic Psychiatrist

To interview Dr. Lineberry contact:
Nick Hanson
