• Health & Wellness

    Transforming Health Care in the U.S.


Making a difference in the lives of patients

Optum and Mayo Clinic are announcing the launch of Optum Labs, an open, collaborative research and development facility with a singular goal: improving patient care.They will make their information assets, technologies, knowledge tools and scientific expertise available to organizations interested in pursuing practical new solutions to patient care challenges.

With combined insights of Optum, Mayo and other partners, Optum Labs will support patient care improvements in areas like:

finding optimal treatments for conditions in a given setting

understanding variations in care

examining effectiveness of patient care programs and approaches

Click here for news release

Executives from Optum and Mayo Clinic held a  news conference this morning. The MP3 audio is available in the downloads

Animation, Infographic, b-roll of the Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minn. campus, plus sound bites with John Noseworthy, M.D. , and Veronique Roger, M.D., are available in the downloads above

Expert titles for broadcast cg:
Dr. John Noseworthy, Pres. and CEO, Mayo Clinic
Dr. Veronique Roger, Mayo Clinic Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery