• Health & Wellness

    Florida Simulation Center Helps Medical Teams and Community

Simulation has become vital in industries from aviation to health care. Now, Mayo Clinic in Florida has a state-of-the-art simulation center where multidisciplinary teams can use advanced technology. William C. Rupp, M.D., chief executive officer in Florida, says, “Through medical simulation, we can provide interactive, hands-on training that enhances the safety of our patients and staff.” The Mayo Clinic J. Wayne and Delores Barr Weaver Simulation Center will also serve as a learning resource for community organizations, nursing programs and high school students interested in learning more about medical careers.

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Titles for broadcast cg:
J. Wayne Weaver, Mayo Clinic Benefactor
Delores Barr Weaver, Mayo Clinic Benefactor
Dr. David Theil, Director, Mayo Clinic Florida Simulation Center