• Health & Wellness

    Biomarkers Discovered for Early Risk Assessment of Acute Kidney Injury

A large number of hospitalized patients often develop acute kidney injury (AKI) even if they have no prior kidney-related illnesses. This is one of the most costly and deadly conditions that can affect critically ill patients. However, a recent Mayo Clinic study has now identified two biomarkers of AKI that can be measured in urine and detect affected patients approximately 12 to 36 hours sooner than current tests.

Lead author and Mayo nephrologist and intensivist Kianoush B. Kashani, M.D., says, “Failure to recognize and manage acute kidney injury in the early stages can lead to devastating outcomes for patients and increased costs to the health care system. Unfortunately, current blood and urine tests are not able to detect it early enough to avoid further complications or provide any chance for intervention.”  The study, sponsored by Astute Medical, Inc., is published in Critical Care.

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Expert title for broadcast cg: Dr. Kianoush Kashani, Mayo Clinic Nephrologist