• Cancer

    Key Molecule Suppresses Growth of Cancerous Liver Tumors

According to a Mayo Clinic Cancer Center study a molecule already implicated in a number of cellular functions can suppress the growth of tumors in the liver.  Mayo Clinic biologist and senior study author Ningling Kang, Ph.D., says, “Tumor cells are intelligent — they talk to the cells in their surroundings to change the way they behave and make the environment supportive of cancer growth. If we can disrupt the communication between the tumor cells and the tumor microenvironment, we can prevent tumor growth or metastasis in the liver.”

The findings give new insight into cancer metastasis, the ability of a tumor to spread from its primary site to distant organs such as the brain, lung or liver. The study appears in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

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Sound bites with Dr. Kang are available in the downloads above

Expert title for broadcast cg: Dr. Ningling Kang, Mayo Clinic Molecular Biologist