• Mayo Clinic Minute: 3 myths about colon cancer

a smiling, relaxed middle-aged woman and man sitting close together, outdoorsWhy should you think about colon cancer? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S., but many people avoid talking to their provider about it. Several misconceptions about colon cancer keep people from being screened for the disease. For example, you might have heard that young people don't get colon cancer. Not true. It may be rare for a young person to get the diagnosis, but it can happen. Mayo Clinic doctors say myths like that may prevent some people from catching the disease early, while it's still curable.

In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. David Etzioni dispels myths about colon cancer. Vivien Williams reports.

Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute

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