Living with Cancer: Tackling Challenges Head On
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A cancer diagnosis can turn your life upside down. An unknown future, unexpected setbacks and unanswered questions loom ahead for the recently diagnosed patient. Was my cancer inherited? What's the best treatment for my type of cancer? Should I change my diet? How do I tell my employer? What can I do to improve my quality of life moving forward?
On Saturday, Jan. 14, and Sunday, Jan. 15, at the Westin Kierland Resort in Scottsdale, Mayo Clinic experts will be on hand to answer these questions and many more at the "Living with Cancer Symposium for Patients and Their Loved Ones."
The event's message is a simple one: knowledge is power when it comes to dealing with a major health issue. On Saturday, over 500 patients and their family members will become empowered as they gather together to hear from cancer specialists.
"The Living with Cancer Symposium is about fighting back against your disease with knowledge," explains Dr. Ruben Mesa, an internationally-renowned hematologist and chair of Mayo Clinic's Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology. "It's the knowledge about the latest state-of-the-art methods available for the diagnosis and treatment of your disease, as well as knowledge about how to overcome all of the challenges cancer brings to patients, including financial, legal, nutritional, emotional and spiritual issues," Dr. Mesa added.
Patients will also get the chance to ask questions and share experiences coping with their specific cancer diagnosis. Breakout-sessions covering breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer and hematological-based cancers, including leukemias, myeloproliferative disorders, CLL, lymphoma and myeloma will follow the morning session.
Follow our #LivingWithCancer tweets live @MayoClinic and watch for updates on http://www.facebook.com/MayoClinic.
Please see below links for additional information:
Living with Cancer Symposium event details
Mayo Clinic Living with Cancer Blog