• Health & Wellness

    A Window into Treatment for Memory Problems

Physician's slide of brains affected by dementia and Alzheimers

Mayo Clinic researchers have identified a possible treatment window of several years for plaques in the brain that are thought to cause memory loss in diseases like Alzheimer’s. Radiologist and lead author, Clifford Jack, Jr., M.D., says, “Our study suggests that plaques in the brain that are linked to a decline in memory and thinking abilities, called beta amyloid, take about 15 years to build up and then plateau. Our results suggest that there is a long treatment window where medications may be able to help slow buildup of the amyloid plaques that are linked to cognitive decline." The study is published online in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.  

Read EMBARGOED news release: Treatment for Memory

Sound bites with Dr. Jack and a slide image are available in the downloads below

Expert title for broadcast cg: Dr. Clifford Jack, Mayo Clinic Radiologist