• Sharing Mayo Clinic

    Walking in Rhythm

You often hear the old adage that nurses are caring and compassionate. It's true, but what does it mean? How do you show it, how do you express it, and what defines compassion and caring? Transplant Services on Mayo 3 South on the Florida campus has a clear understanding of this terminology.

Staff members there are "present" with each other. This means that they are in tune with each other. They feel each other's frustration with difficult patients, difficult assignments or just a challenging day. If there are tears, laughter will soon follow. Comfort is sought through a joke, chocolate, or a hug. Yes, I said hug. We hug around here. It sounds a little dramatic or over the top but I can assure you that it's true. I have to say that we truly care about one another. And most importantly, it's genuine.

The patient care techs pull each other out of tough assignments, and I sometimes see the frustration on their faces. What is amazing is that most often someone on their team will come up with a strategic plan that will get the job done efficiently. They are beginning to find creative ways of working effectively, and they use humor quite a bit to get through their day.

RNs have this non-verbal communication in which they know when the other needs help. Without any hesitation or resistance, someone is there to lend a hand.

Monitor techs keep everyone in check, and they, too, are involved in patient care. They round on patients a couple of times of day to make sure their needs are met.

Below is a short video clip of some of the Transplant Services staff talking about what they like most about the unit and their co-workers.

The kindness that staff shows for one another on this unit is contagious. To learn more about this great Mayo facility, go to our nursing jobs page for our Jacksonville campus.

Submitted by Palma Iacovitti, Nursing, Transplant Services, Mayo Clinic Florida

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