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    In the Loop: First Down, Now 7 Yards to Go

Chris Norton lay face down on the Luther College football field, motionless. It was a position he'd been in before, on another beautiful fall day nearly seven years earlier. Back then, he'd just taken a hit that would leave him with a spinal cord injury and a less than 3 percent chance of regaining feeling below his neck. It was an accident that would shape the rest of his life and, he says, give him "a purpose worth living for."

This time, lying on that field was no accident. Instead, it was the result of meticulous planning and the efforts of hundreds of people, all of whom had come together to help recreate the moment that changed Chris' life. The scene will be part of a documentary, "7 Yards: The Chris Norton Story," that will highlight Chris' journey, including his treatment and rehabilitation at Mayo Clinic and his inspiring walk across the stage at his college graduation in 2015.

The final scenes of the documentary will be filmed in April 2018, when Chris will take another walk. This time, he plans to escort his bride, Emily Summers, down the aisle after they say their 'I dos.' The film's title is a nod to the seven yards he'll walk on their wedding day. For that, Chris is going far beyond the usual wedding preparations. "I've been training five times a week, three hours a day to be able to walk side by side with Emily down the aisle," Chris tells us. Read the rest of the story.
This story originally appeared on the In the Loop blog. 

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