• Cancer

    Mayo Clinic Radio: National Nutrition Month

a woman pushing a shopping cart in the store, filled with vegetables for healthy eatingMarch is National Nutrition Month, an annual education and information campaign sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign will help consumers make better-informed choices about what to eat. The theme this year is "Go Further with Food," which focuses on planning meals and snacks in advance. This advance planning can reduce food loss and waste.

On the next Mayo Clinic Radio program, Kate Zeratsky, a registered dietitian at Mayo Clinic, will share tips for eating healthy on the go and ideas for reducing food waste. Also on the program, Dr. Sara Selig, director of CURE OM (the Community United for Research and Education of Ocular Melanoma) at the Melanoma Research Foundation, will discuss ocular melanoma, a rare form of cancer of the eye. And Dr. Carrie A. Thompson, a hematologist at Mayo Clinic, will share findings of a new study that’s using modern technology – and emojis – to help cancer patients communicate easily with their health care providers.

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