• Neurology Patient Stories

    Giving Back

Glenn Primack had his first experience with Mayo Clinic during the last year, accompanying his best friend, Bob, who had cancer. Glenn describes his journey, both with Bob's care at Mayo (led by Dr. Keith Bible) and how that experience led him to seek diagnosis and treatment at Mayo for his own increasingly debilitating pain:

In the video below, Dr. Paola Sandroni describes the process that led to Glenn being diagnosed with sarcoidosis, and Glenn explains why he was motivated to give back, in hopes of contributing to further research advances:

Glenn, an investment advisor from Milwaukee, left with a sense of hope for the future and gratitude to his doctors and the many other people who cared for him. He was inspired to partner with Mayo Clinic in working to establish a $2 million neurologic disease research professorship in honor of Dr. Sandroni. He gave a major lead gift and is encouraging others to join him in reaching this goal.

He says, "At Mayo they don't let up till they get an an answer. I want to help others like me looking for an answer. I want them to come out walking again, like I did."

For more information on giving to support research, education and clinical practice advancements at Mayo Clinic, visit The Campaign for Mayo Clinic.

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