• Cancer

    Quick Noninvasive DNA Screening Test For Colorectal Cancer

Mayo Clinic researchers are close to developing a quick noninvasive test that uses a small sample of a patient’s stool to check for specific DNA changes that occur as pancreatic cancer develops.  

The stool test is currently being evaluated in a large multicenter study in the United States and Canada, involving 10,000 patients at more than 60 medical centers. If the test is approved by the Food and Drug Administration, it could become available to patients as early as mid-2013.

David A. Ahlquist, M.D., is presenting the study this week at the American Association for Cancer Research annual meeting (AACR).  

Expert Title: Dr. David Ahlquist, Mayo Clinic Gastroenterologist

Soundbites from Dr. Ahlquist are in the downloads above.

Click here for the entire news release

Mayo Clinic and Dr. Ahlquist have a financial interest in the technology.