• Cardiology Patient Stories

    Powerful voices: Women’s heart disease survivors

Participants at the 8th annual Science & Leadership Symposium -- a joint effort by Mayo Clinic's Women's Heart Clinic and WomenHeart: The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease -- gained insight into their disease Oct. 10 through 14 in Rochester, Minn. They also met and networked with their new heart sisters from across the country, and made plans to go back into their communities and raise awareness of heart disease in women.

Here are some of their stories:
* A 24-year-old who received a heart transplant at 15
* A 42-year-old who says the symposium "heals your soul"
* Another 42-year-old who wants women to take care of themselves first so they are well enough to take care of others
* A 51-year-old whose heart disease is still somewhat of a mystery
* And a 48-year-old who wants to encourage young women to take care of themselves now.

This post was submitted by Mayo Clinic Rochester communications consultant, Traci Klein.

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