Protection protocols involving ear, nose and throat patients during COVID-19
Protection protocols involving ear, nose and throat patients during COVID-19
March 19, 2021
The COVID-19 virus spreads through respiratory droplets. This means treating patients who have diseases or injuries involving the ears, nose or throat, or the head and neck, requires particular precautions.
"COVID-19 taught us all to be more nimble," says Dr. Devyani Lal, a Mayo Clinic otolaryngologist and head and neck surgeon. She says the COVID-19 pandemic required Mayo Clinic's Department of Otolaryngology to pivot quickly and require that patients be tested for COVID-19 before appointments.
In this Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast, Dr. Lal explains more about COVID-19 safety measures that have been implemented and encourages not to delay treatment. She also details how extensive the otolaryngology practice is at Mayo Clinic.