• Health & Wellness

    Stroke Prevention Program Reduces Risk Factors

JOURNALISTS: Mayo Clinic is presenting several abstracts at the American Academy of Neurology 2012 Annual Meeting in New Orleans. Mayo experts are available for comment.  Contact: Brian Kilen 507-284-5005 (days) 507-284-2511 (evenings) newsbureau@mayo.edu.

Patients in a stroke prevention program were more likely to follow a prescribed diet and exercise than those receiving traditional care, according to a Mayo Clinic study. Neurologist Kelly Flemming, M.D. says, "This study shows that relatively modest changes to a traditional care model for chronic disease can make a major difference in the continued health of stroke patients." Sixty-one percent of patients in the physician-directed, nurse-based program reduced at least one major risk factor after one year, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking or high blood cholesterol.  Just 33 percent of patients receiving more traditional care improved over the same period. 

Soundbites with Dr. Fleming are available in the downloads above. 

Expert title for broadcast cg: Dr. Kelly Fleming, Mayo Clinic Neurologist

Click here for entire news release highlighting four Mayo Clinic studies being presented this week at AAN on dementia, body cooling, stroke and resident shift changes.