• Cardiology Patient Stories

    “It’s spectacular. It’s comforting. And it removes anxiety and fear.”

Rachel Nielson came from Colorado Springs, Colorado to Mayo Clinic last week looking for answers to problems that had bothered her for several months. On Wednesday, halfway through her visit, she shared her impressions of Mayo Clinic and what she called the "unparalleled" experience:

Rachel sent a follow-up note this morning to describe her overall perspective, a week after finishing her appointments at Mayo Clinic:

Since my return from Mayo back to my home in Colorado Springs, I have had a new peace about my symptoms and health outlook. My husband and children share in this new peace. My diagnosis is Costochondritis, which causes much chest & back pain that can often-times come on suddenly, seemingly implicating serious problems such as heart attack or lung issues. I have had these pains for almost 3 months, preceded by a severe respiratory infection, and I am usually a very healthy, athletic 40-year old woman. Though my full recovery may take several months, my anxiety level has significantly decreased, freeing up my body to heal at a faster pace. My quality of life has increased since much of the unknown has been revealed to me. I am very thankful to Mayo and its patient & knowledgeable doctors and staff. Though my healing path is still before me and will take time and rehab, I have been provided a road-map filled with hope that my quality of life will return for me and for my family down the road. Many thanks to Mayo and I remain overwhelmed by my experience there!

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