• Neurology Patient Stories

    Interview with a New Nurse Manager in Florida

Written by Linda Rhodes, coordinator of Management Development at Mayo Clinic's campus in Florida.

Registered nurse Jessica Charles recently relocated across the country to take a new position as nurse manager of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Orthopedics at Mayo Clinic in Florida. However, this was not Jessica's first experience working at Mayo Clinic. She came from Scottsdale where she was a nurse supervisor at Mayo Clinic in Arizona. Jessica tells why she wanted to work for Mayo Clinic and her experience as a new employee at the Florida campus.

Like Jessica, new staff often tell us how enthusiastic and excited they are to be working at Mayo Clinic. From the moment new employees set foot on Mayo Clinic's campus, the experience is about orienting them to the organization and the culture so they feel secure and welcomed. New employees begin their careers with two days of orientation training. The campus chief executive officer and chief administrative officer come to orientation to greet new staff. This is a rare event at most organizations. But Mayo's leaders believe it is an investment into each new employee's assimilation and satisfaction with the organization.

New employees are also paired with a preceptor for their first several weeks on the job. The preceptor orients the new staff member to the job and the work area responsibilities. Preceptors serve as role model, educator and social agent for the new employee. This model allows the employee to become oriented to the job and culture more quickly.

It is not uncommon to have past employees who are re-joining Mayo in new employee orientation. Many times when employees leave Mayo, they find they miss the culture and commitment to quality care. These return staff often express to first-time employees that the "grass is not always greener on the other side."

For more information on available jobs at Mayo Clinic visit our Web site at www.mayoclinic.org/jobs-jax.

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