• Cancer

    Lung cancer diagnosis innovation leads to higher survival rates

MEDIA ADVISORY: Mayo Clinic experts available for interviews during Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Lung cancer is a killer – accounting for approximately 25% of all cancer deaths.

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. While mortality has been decreasing since 2006, it still claims more than 150,000 American lives annually. What can be done to stop cancer in its tracks?

A new minimally invasive procedure called robotic bronchoscopy is being developed at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. It’s a diagnostic procedure that allows lung cancer to be detected at the earliest of stages, leading to a much higher survival rate. The procedure eventually will be used instead of surgery to treat lung cancer.

Mayo Clinic experts are available to discuss lung cancer detection, this procedure and how it's a game changer for patients.

For interviews with Mayo Clinic experts about lung cancer, contact:

Name: Erin Mathe

Phone: 952.261.8148

Email: Erin@theienetwork.com