• Envelope please: Match Day 2025

Students at the Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine campus in Florida celebrate Match Day 2025
Students at the Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine campus in Florida celebrate Match Day 2025

ROCHESTER, Minn. — Students at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine campuses in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota joined more than 40,000 medical students nationwide as they simultaneously opened envelopes at 11 a.m. CDT to reveal their residency training placements through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP). Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education is one of the nation's largest schools of graduate medical education, with a total enrollment of more than 1,900 physicians in training, and has trained half of Mayo's current physicians. This year, the school's 65 programs in Arizona, Florida, Minnesota and Wisconsin participated in the National Resident Matching Program and offered 372 residency positions to students nationwide.   

"This Match represents an incredible opportunity to train the surgeons of the future, who will go on to make significant contributions to the field of medicine. Being selected for our program is not only a testament to the applicants' dedication and skill but also a life-changing opportunity that will shape their careers," said Mariela Rivera, M.D., Program Director General Surgery Residency Program, Rochester. "This Match welcomes top physicians from different backgrounds and with varied work experiences and perspectives who will collaborate to enhance our profession, patient outcomes and innovation while fostering an inclusive healthcare community."

Among the 87 students in the Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine class of 2025 participating in the Match, 24 will complete their residencies at Mayo Clinic. The others will bring their training in the Mayo Clinic Model of Care to residency programs across 22 states.  

The most popular specialties are surgical and surgical specialties including ophthalmology, orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery and OB/GYN. Internal medicine, anesthesiology, radiation oncology and emergency medicine were other top specialties Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine students matched in.

Meet the students who matched.

About Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine 
Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine is a national medical school with four-year medical degree programs in Rochester and Arizona. The school also offers a Florida program, enabling students to complete their first two years of medical studies in Arizona or Minnesota, and their final two years of learning in Florida. For more information, visit Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine

About Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education  
Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education (MCSGME) was established by the Mayo brothers in 1915 to provide specialty training to graduate physicians. The school has since grown to become one of the largest in the country, sponsoring more than 250 residency and fellowship training programs located on the Mayo Clinic campuses in Minnesota, Florida, and Arizona. Graduate medical education is an essential part of the spirit and legacy of Mayo Clinic, and it is a critical investment in Mayo's future. For more information visit Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education. 

About Mayo Clinic 
Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization committed to innovation in clinical practice, education and research, and providing compassion, expertise and answers to everyone who needs healing. Visit the Mayo Clinic News Network for additional Mayo Clinic news.