• Cancer

    Men Ages 40-49 Could Skip Annual PSA Screening

Three-fourths of men ages 40–49 could safely avoid annual prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening for an additional 10 years if their baseline PSA falls in the lowest 75th percentile.  

Mayo Clinic study looked at prostate outcomes in a random sample of 268 men, ages 40–49, in Olmsted County, Minn., since 1990. Each patient was evaluated by a urologist every two years, including PSA screening, an ultrasound examination and questionnaire. Among study participants, no one between 40 and 49 with a baseline PSA below 1 ng/ml developed an intermediate- or high-risk cancer during nearly 20 years of follow-up. The study also found that participants with low PSAs, below 1.0 ng/ml, were also very unlikely to develop even low-risk prostate cancer.  

Soundbites with lead author Mayo Clinic urologist Christopher Weight, M.D., are available in the downloads above.

Expert title for broadcast cg: Dr. Chistopher Weight, Mayo Clinic Urologist

Attention Journalists: Mayo Clinic urologists are presenting findings this week at the American Urological Association Annual Meeting, including several embargoed studies regarding prostate cancer and kidney stones.

Click here for news release.