• Sharing Mayo Clinic

    Social Media Saturday: Mayo Clinic’s YouTube Channel

Many of our patients (and employees for that matter), are unfamiliar with social media sites and how to use them. We have previously discussed Facebook and how to become a Mayo Clinic "fan," as well as how you can share Sharing Mayo Clinic. Today we start a weekly feature called "Social Media Saturdays" which will provide basic information about social media sites, along with a few pointers on how to get the most out of your experience with them.

YouTube is the world's most popular video sharing site, with users uploading ten hours of new video every minute and viewing hundreds of millions of video streams each day. 

On Mayo Clinic's YouTube "channel" you can watch videos about the latest Mayo Clinic research, see Mayo Clinic Medical Edge TV segments and view patient story videos. The complete listing of videos is here.

If you want to know more about how to use YouTube, you may find the YouTube Handbook helpful, but here are a few tips to get started.

If you see a video you want to pass along to a friend, sharing is easy. When you're watching the video, just click the Share link:


If you choose the Send Email option, you will be given the opportunity to enter your friends' email addresses (or Google/YouTube usernames):


You also can share videos by clicking the MySpace or Facebook icons (and there are several other options as well) if you have accounts on those social networking platforms.

To get the most out of YouTube you will want to sign up for an account. Even if you never upload a video of your own, having an account lets you rate videos and save your favorites.

In a future post we'll go into more options on how you can share your Mayo Clinic story through YouTube.

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