• Health & Wellness

    How Genetic Variation Plays Out In Professional Athletic Competition

Olympics Expert Alert:  Two Mayo Clinic researchers have penned a timely and thought-provoking editorial in an upcoming issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings, exploring genetic variation and how it plays out in professional athletic competition.  The editorial analyzes the recent case of Castor Semenya, a South African female runner disbarred from competition after she won the 800-meter race at the world championships in Berlin in 2009.  Mayo Clinic’s J. Michael Bostwick, M.D. and Michael Joyner, M.D., argue that fairness in athletic competition is not defined in terms of everyone being equal.

Read entire news release: Genetic Variation

To schedule interviews with Drs. Bostwick or Joyner contact:
Nick Hanson
507-284-5005 (days)
507-284-2511 (evenings)
Email: newsbureau@mayo.edu