• Health & Wellness

    Mayo Clinic Radio: Sleep and Insomnia

Miss the show? Here's the podcast: Mayo Clinic Radio Full Show 9-6-2014 44min mp3

These websites both provide help for insomnia at a nominal charge.  The sites were shared by Dr. Kaplan and Dr. Olson during the program: ShutI and CBT for Insomnia

On the next Mayo Clinic Radio, Saturday, September 6 at 9 a.m. CT, we’ll discuss sleep issues with Eric Olson, M.D., and Joseph Kaplan, M.D.  Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?  What can be done to address sleep concerns?  From childhood to old age, how do sleep patterns change as we age? Plus, what are the five things you should do if you suffer from insomnia?  Join us.

Myth or Fact: During sleep, your brain rests.


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To listen to the program on Saturday, click here

Mayo Clinic Radio is available on iHeart Radio.

Mayo Clinic Radio is a weekly one-hour radio program highlighting health and medical information from Mayo Clinic. The show is taped for rebroadcast by some affiliates.

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