• Health & Wellness

    Staph Bacteria may be Risk Factor for Lupus

Staph infections; one minor and one major



Lupus facial rash




Chronic exposure to even small amounts of staph bacteria could be a risk factor for the inflammatory disease lupus. Mayo Clinic researchers found that mice exposed to low doses of a protein found in staph developed a lupus-like disease, with kidney disease and autoantibodies like those found in the blood of lupus patients.

Mayo Clinic rheumatologist and study co-author Vaidehi Chowdhary, M.D., says, “We think this protein could be an important clue to what may cause or exacerbate lupus in certain genetically predisposed patients. Our hope is to confirm these findings in lupus patients and hopefully prevent flares.”  

The findings are published online this month in The Journal of Immunology.
Read entire news release.

Sound bites with Dr. Chowdhary are available in the downloads below.

Expert title for broadcast cg:  Dr.Vaidehi Chowdhary, Mayo Clinic Rheumatologist