• Health & Wellness

    Mayo Clinic Radio: Spinal Stenosis/Zebrafish/Recurring Fever

Stay active to keep fit. That can be difficult for people with spinal stenosis, a condition that causes serious back pain. On the next Mayo Clinic Radio, orthopedic surgeon Dr. Paul Huddleston explains how spinal stenosis is treated. Also on the program, Dr. Stephen Ekker discusses how the tiny zebrafish is helping to uncover treatments for everything from nicotine dependence to hearing loss. And we'll have the latest on recurring fever in children from Mayo Clinic pediatrician Dr. Thomas Boyce.

Miss the program?  Here's the podcast:  Mayo Clinic Radio PODCAST March 7 2015

Myth or Matter-of-Fact: If I haven’t had back problems by middle age, I’m not likely to have them when I get older.

To listen to the program at 9 a.m. Saturday, March 7, click here.

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Mayo Clinic Radio is a weekly one-hour radio program highlighting health and medical information from Mayo Clinic.

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