• Cancer

    Braving – Battling – Beating Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Awareness: Mayo Clinic Experts Available for Interviews

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among women in the United States. About 1 in 8 women, and 1 in 1,000 men, will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Assessing risk, understanding the disease, navigating treatment options and managing the side effects of treatment, and coping with a cancer diagnosis are just some of the issues people may face.

A reporter pkg."The Risk of Breast Cancer' is available in the downloads above with script and b-roll. Medical Edge pkgs. can be edited into vo/sots and incorporated into your local reporting.

To interview any of the following Mayo Clinic Cancer Center experts: 

Lynn Hartmann, M.D.   James Ingle, M.D.  Sandhya Pruthi, M.D. 
Charles Loprinzi, M.D. 
Amit Sood, M.D.

Please contact:
Joe Dangor

Lynn Hartmann, M.D.: Researching breast cancer risk, Dr. Hartmann is working to develop a new way to identify breast cancer risk based on the makeup of breast tissue. She is also co-editor of the Mayo Clinic Breast Cancer Book. 

James Ingle, M.D.: Breast cancer is not one disease. In a recent study in the journal Nature, researchers identified four genetically distinct forms of breast cancer, and within those subtypes they found characteristics of other types of cancers. The hope is that current treatments for other forms of cancer may also work for these breast cancer subtypes. 

Sandhya Pruthi, M.D.: Helping patients navigate treatment options. Dr. Pruthi developed an interactive multimedia breast cancer decision tool to help patients learn about treatment options. 

Charles Loprinzi, M.D.: Managing the side effects of cancer therapy. Dr. Loprinzi has conducted research on ways to lessen the impact of treatment side effects such as peripheral neuropathy, nausea, vomiting and hot flashes. He is also co-editor of the Mayo Clinic Breast Cancer Book. 

Amit Sood, M.D.: Coping with a cancer diagnosis. Ongoing stress among cancer patients and survivors negatively affects health, happiness, relationships and quality of life. Dr. Sood specializes in mind-body approaches to decrease stress and enhance resilience, well-being and coping skills.

Donald Northfelt, M.D. : Dr. Northfelt is the associate medical director of the Breast Clinic at Mayo Clinic in Arizona. Dr. Northfelt regularly appears on television and  in medical education videos, commenting on a number of oncology topics including  breast cancer awareness (in men and women), the different types of breast cancer, breast cancer treatment options, breast cancer clinical trials and post-breast cancer care (including advice on nutrition and exercise).

Barbara Pockaj, M.D.Dr. Pockaj is the Chair of Surgical Oncology and a cancer researcher at Mayo Clinic in Arizona. She is also a leader of the Breast Cancer Interest Group (BIG), a breast cancer research collaborative  between Mayo Clinic, Arizona State University (ASU) and the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen).

Katherine Hunt, CGC: Ms. Hunt is a genetics counselor based at Mayo Clinic in Arizona. Katherine’s area of expertise includes counseling patients on how genetics or genetic pre-dispositions may or may not play a role in developing cancer. Katherine can speak to BRCA genetics and the role it plays in both men and women, with regard to breast cancer.