At back-to-school time, many parents and caregivers make checklists to ensure children have the supplies they need for the school year. Mayo Clinic Children's Center pediatrician[...]
August 1-7 is World Breastfeeding Week, and the The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) wants women to continue breast-feeding when they return to the[...] The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force makes new recommendations for when and how often women should have mammograms. They say women at average risk[...]
Recent outbreaks of measles in various parts of the world have public health officials concerned. Mayo Clinic infectious diseases specialist Dr. Pritish Tosh says worldwide, 150,000[...]
Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and has since become a concern in South Korea where at least 20[...]
In today's Mayo Clinic News Network Headline with Vivien Williams: A new study by British researchers finds women who take newer formulations of oral contraceptives[...]
In today's Mayo Clinic News Network Headline with Vivien Williams: Severe weather continues to roll through parts of the United States. Communication can break down[...]
Vision loss due to glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetes are topics in the news this week. Mayo Clinic ophthalmologist Raymond Iezzi, Jr., M.D., tells us these can be very serious diseases[...]
In today's Mayo Clinic News Network Headline with Vivien Williams: Severe weather can strike anytime. That's why preparation is key. Mayo Clinic's emergency management team tells[...]
It's not a dinner table topic of conversation and the word itself may elicit a teenage giggle, but constipation is very common and can cause[...]
It’s a video that's been seen around the world – the first time Allen Zderad sees his wife in more than a decade with the[...]
In today's Mayo Clinic News Network Headline with Vivien Williams: A Mayo Clinic study shows tampons may be key to detecting endometrial cancer - Jamie Bakkum-Gamez. M.D., lead author of the[...]