Intermittent fasting is cutting yourself off from any food or beverages, other than water, for a certain amount of time. Some fasting is for religious[...]
Did you know your kid could have an eating disorder if he or she is extremely picky? Dr. Jocelyn Lebow, a Mayo Clinic child psychologist[...]
Poor sleep quality is a factor in the increasing rate of childhood obesity in the U.S. So what is the correct sleep duration for kids and[...]
It's called "avocado hand," and fans of the fruit – both famous and not – are feeling the effects these days when they slice up[...]
For those living in the Southwest or those visiting the Southwest for the first time, it's important to be aware of the dangers of the[...]
You shouldn't ignore the bottom number on your blood pressure reading. That's the message from a recent study published in the New England Journal of[...]
A recent Mayo Clinic study focused on newly diagnosed lung cancer patients to find out how many of them would have been identified by screening[...]
Meditation is the practice of relaxing your mind and body. It has been shown to lower levels of anxiety, anger, depression and tension. Maria Caselli,[...]
What you might call "the dog days of summer" may be something more menacing for a person prone to migraines. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute[...]
A species of tick originating from Asia is spreading quickly across the Western Hemisphere, and it's drawing concern from U.S. health officials — not only[...]
It's advice parents have been giving their children for generations. "When I was growing up, I remember my mother telling me, you know, not to[...]
A sunny day at the beach or pool can take a dark turn in seconds. "Drowning in this country remains one of the leading causes[...]