For the past eight years, Nicole Dehn, 30, has had pangs of sadness whenever she passes a small grove of trees on the road near[...]
Judy Phillips found hope when hope was running out thanks to a physician willing to try new (and old) treatments, a team of "wonderful nurses,"[...]
Dianne Shea thought that the fevers, chills, vomiting, nausea and endless bouts of diarrhea from C. diff would take away her independence. But after a[...]
It’s tough for anyone to deal with a cancer diagnosis, especially someone at the age of 18. Todd Blake, a Jacksonville, Fla., native, was just[...]
I had an excellent experience at the Mayo Clinic. I was treated for HCM (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) by Dr. Dearani of the cardiovascular section. Not only do[...]
My story is short and sweet. About 28 years ago, in 1984-85, Dr. Ian Hay treated me for Graves Disease, over-active thyroid. I was 4[...]
I am writing to thank the Mayo Clinic Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery and giving special thanks to Dr. Jeffery Britton and Dr. Fredric Meyer.[...]
Sunny and Bill Meadows moved from Arkansas to Minnesota to volunteer their time to help other patients. "We hope that by giving back in this[...]
Joy, music, vibrancy and energy. Antoinette Benevento embraces the gifts of dance and shares how lessons learned as a professional dancer prepared her for her[...]
A heart attack typically occurs unexpectedly, it often causes chest pain, and it is diagnosed by recording the electrical activity of the heart (electrocardiogram) and by[...]
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and we will do our part on the next program with a discussion about the genetics of breast cancer and[...] Physical activity is associated with a reduced risk of esophageal cancer, according to a new study presented by Mayo Clinic researchers at the American[...]