I wish I knew more ways to say, “Thank you”. I was given not just a second chance at life, but also a life with[...]
As swimming pools become the popular hangout spot for kids during the summer months, they can also become filled with germs and may cause water-related[...]
Many years ago, I injured my right wrist while working for a previous employer. At the time, I was told that I had a small[...]
My battle with cancer started a few years ago when I developed prostate cancer. My local doctor recommended a Radical Prostatectomy. He painstakingly spared all[...]
"When somebody saves your life, that's something that sticks with you for the rest of your life." Powerful words from Sandy Pobanz, a long-time patient[...]
I have been a Mayo Clinic patient and resident of Rochester, Mn for the past fifteen years or more. I have four daughters and each of[...]
by Raquel Rivas It was 1979 when at 76, my grandmother suffered a stroke. Thirty-three years ago there was little people could do but deal[...]
His Holiness the Dalai Lama recently visited Mayo Clinic and gave a special presentation on resilience through mindfulness. The below story takes place during his[...]
His whole life, David Vannausdle, 32, of Granger, Iowa, has been tethered to some type of breathing device for at least some part of the[...]
As a recent graduate of the University of Florida with a degree in public relations, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to become an intern[...]
"Jason, are you going to be covering the Katie Ride for Life like you did last year?" asked many colleagues of mine as the event drew closer.[...]
Austin Horton’s adolescence was dominated by pain. More than a dozen specialists — among them an orthopedist, rheumatologist, pain doctor, psychiatrist and acupuncturist — couldn’t[...]