Mayo Clinic and the Minnesota Twins are teaming up again this season to help improve the health of Twins fans. And this time, we[...]
The moment finally came. But it was an uneasy one at first. MaryEllen Sheppard was about to receive her last round of chemotherapy at Mayo[...]
If you've been shopping at Mall of America the past few months, you may have seen the "Healthy Match" game from Mayo Clinic -- interactive[...]
Mayo Clinic’s new Center for Social Media has produced a Patient Video Guide series to help new patients and their families better know what to[...]
Mayo has been committed to using the latest communication technology in service to patients since the earliest days of practice. According to family tradition, young Charlie[...]
I was 9 years old and had arrived in Rochester for a minor, surgical procedure. While navigating our way around Saint Marys Hospital, my family[...]
Mayo Clinic had already been a source of invaluable consultations for my long-time autoimmune Sjogren’s Syndrome and for genetic counseling to ascertain potential genetic predisposition[...]
When Brenda M. woke up with flu-like symptoms in August 2007, she had no idea just how grave her condition was. Later in the day[...]
On October 16, 2010, Chris Norton, a freshman at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, was playing in a varsity football game when a special teams[...]
When we were discussing creation of the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media last year, our Mayo Clinic chief administrative officer, Shirley Weis, said something[...]
A big part of the reason for Sharing Mayo Clinic is to give Mayo patients the opportunity to share their stories of how Mayo has[...]
Have you ever thought about going back to school, but put it off for financial reasons? Mayo Clinic offers employees assistance for professional development. The[...]