In early 2009, Josh Johnson's parents thought their 14-year-old's back was likely sore from a few falls he'd taken while snowboarding competitively. They live in[...]
I was diagnosed with bone cancer in ninth grade. It was December 2006, just before the holidays. For several months, I’d had a bump just[...]
As a semi-retired financier living with his wife on the Isle of Man, Andrew Ashworth is used to frequent travels around the world. Rochester, Minnesota[...]
Where do I start in my cancer journey?? I guess at the beginning!! It all started with a “bump” on the inside of my ankle[...]
Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, with a 20 percent relative survival rate after one-year and a[...]
Nurse publishing can significantly impact the quality of life for a patient. As registered nurses, we coordinate the care of our patients every day; however, we[...]
Annenberg Plaza in Rochester, Minn., is a beautiful spot on the downtown Mayo Clinic campus. In the summer when the flowers are in bloom, it[...]
Jim Reaser has had a long history with Mayo Clinic for specialty care, but it was his primary care physician in Rapid City, South Dakota,[...]
Murphy the therapy dog brings smiles to Mayo Clinic patients through “Pets are Loving Support” pilot program
This past June, the Wayzata High School Track team organized a fundraiser in support of the Mayo Clinic, and in particular to raise money for[...]
As a 14-year-old, Ann Strom understandably had knots in her stomach about starting her freshman year of high school. These knots, however, did not go[...]
Each year, Marnie Hensel, of Wayzata, Minn., comes to Mayo Clinic for her annual checkup through the Executive Health Program. During her visit in early[...]