On Wednesday, December 15, Dr. Shannon Dunlay, M.D., co-leader of Mayo Clinic's COVID-19 modeling team, and Curtis Storlie, Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic data scientist, fielded[...]
When Lisa Ayer was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2015, little did she expect that a tiny, yellow candy would be the catalyst to give[...]
Jacob Jentzer, M.D., is a cardiac intensivist — meaning he has received specialized training to allow him to provide the best possible care for patients[...]
AcademyHealth and the National Institutes of Health sponsor an annual conference dedicated to bridging the gap between research, practice and policy. Investigators in the Mayo[...]
Q: We tend to believe that the holidays are a magical time for children and that the stress of it all is only felt by[...]
On Wednesday, December 8, 2021, Dr. Gregory Poland, Mayo Clinic vaccine and epidemiology expert, fielded questions regarding the delta and omicron variants of COVID-19. Journalists[...]
Mayo Clinic publishes two peer-reviewed journals, accepting original research and related content from investigators around the world. Advancing the Science shares stories about research published in Mayo Clinic[...]
As a chef, Melvin Austin was used to working odd hours. Soda, sweet tea, and chocolate cake kept him awake during graveyard shifts, along with[...]
Q: People who are grateful seem to appreciate life and be much happier, regardless of their external circumstances. This time of year, and after what[...]
In this Trailblazers series, Mayo Clinic highlights the contributions of women physicians and scientists at Mayo Clinic during Mayo's early years. These women in medicine[...]
While there are more questions than answers right now, concern is growing about the emergence of the new COVID-19 strain called omicron.While no cases of[...]
Q: Those who are vaccinated for COVID-19 may be planning family gatherings, gift exchanges and big meals this year. After last year, a lot of[...]