• Pediatrics Patient Stories

    15-year-old Pianist Touches Hearts and Souls

Catherine Benson is a consultant in Public Affairs at Mayo Clinic.

Alex Walton-Creutz began drawing crowds by playing the piano at Mayo Clinic when he was just eight years old and started coming to the clinic with his mother, Lynnette. Lynnette is a patient at Mayo and comes for treatment at least once a year. When he was eight, Alex was playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata and the Pathetique Sonata. At 15 he's moved well beyond Beethoven, to playing his own compositions. Alex plays by ear and is always composing.

"Our prayer is that Alex's music will touch someone's heart and soul and make their day go a little bit better," says Lynnette. Judging from the number of people listening to Alex's music the afternoon when this was filmed, he has already touched many hearts.

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