• Health & Wellness

    In the Loop: A Blessing Tradition at Mayo Clinic’s Saint Marys Campus

operating room blessing at Saint Marys Campus

This is one of many articles published In the Loop

If you've watched HGTV or, you know, done some work of your own, you know there’s a lot that goes into a building project. That’s true, too, at Mayo Clinic, where teams create everything from offices for worker bees like us to the specialized spaces where patients find hope and healing. And while made-for-TV projects may be finished when the paint is dry, for some spaces at Mayo Clinic, there’s one final, important step before opening for business: a blessing. “Blessings of new or remodeled spaces have been a tradition” at Mayo Clinic’s Saint Marys campus “from the beginning,” says Sister Tierney Trueman, coordinator of the Mayo Clinic Values Council. The blessings provide “a way of ‘consecrating’ the particular space as sacred space.”

Read the rest of the story In the Loop.