Antibiotic Resistance/Opioid Addiction/Routine Physical Exams: Mayo Clinic Radio
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 23,000 people die each year in the U.S. as the result of antibiotic-resistant infections. Antibiotics are powerful weapons in the fight against infection, but misuse or overuse can create a serious health risk. On the next Mayo Clinic Radio, infectious diseases specialist Dr. Pritish Tosh explains how antibiotic resistance works and how to avoid it. Also on the program, a new study in Mayo Clinic Proceedings may help predict who is most vulnerable to opioid pain medication addiction. Anesthesiologist and pain management specialist Dr. Michael Hooten explains the study's results. And family medicine specialist Dr. John Wilkinson discusses the current recommendations for when to get a complete physical exam.
Here's the podcast:MayoClinicRadio 07-25-15 PODCAST
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