• Cancer

    Bell Signals the Finish Line of Radiation Therapy for Race Car Driver

Tommy Archer ringing the bell to mark the end of radiation treatments

Professional race car driver Tommy Archer just completed the final lap after seven weeks of radiation therapy for additional treatment of his prostate cancer. "The reality of being able to ring that bell after 33 treatments is humbling," Mr. Archer said. "I didn't think I had the patience," he added. "But, it's what I had to do to stay healthy." Thanks to a Choline C-11 PET scan, a technology developed at Mayo Clinic, Tommy was allowed to return to the race track this past summer after a three-year absence. The treatment approach allowed his urologists to find and remove a hidden tumor that was keeping him out of competition. The same technology can also be used to provide early detection in case a patient's cancer comes back, which is exactly how it worked for Tommy. "The feeling I have now is relief and I hope to be cancer-free."

Now that he's completed treatment, Archer Brothers Racing says Tommy's preparing for a full racing season in 2016. In fact, he hits the road in a few days for a big race in Florida next week.

Watch the original story of how a team of physicians and a bold strategy put Tommy Archer back in the race.