• Health & Wellness

    CDC Says Flu Epidemic Spreads to 47 States

FLU UPDATE: The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says influenza has spread to 47 states. However, according to the CDC "most (91 percent) of the influenza viruses that have been analyzed at the CDC are like the viruses included in the 2012–2013 influenza vaccine." This means that proactive influenza vaccinations are preventing an already tough flu season from being even tougher. 

Infectious Disease expert Dr. Greg Poland in LabGregory Poland, M.D., Infectious disease expert at Mayo Clinic and advisor to the CDC says, there are a number of things you should know. Below are Medical News Minutes with Dr. Poland available for radio:

Do I Have The Flu (right click MP3)
Flu Activity (right click MP3)
Flu Protection (right click MP3)

Mayo Clinic participated in Thursday's USA TODAY #fluchat which provided a platform for many questions and answers. Transcript: http://bit.ly/VPGFOj