• Sharing Mayo Clinic

    Celebrating Philanthropy to the Max

Philanthropy has long played a vital role in Mayo Clinic’s success. From Drs. Will and Charlie Mayo, who gave their estates to endow the clinic, to little six-year-old Emma, whose story appeared on Sharing Mayo Clinic just days ago, giving is important.

Similarly, you can give by participating in "Give to the Max Day" this Tuesday, November 16. It is an online giving event aimed at supporting charities across Minnesota. GiveMN.org, an association of state charities and foundations, created this unique day last year to raise awareness and show donors the ease of giving online. At GiveMN.org you’ll find each of Minnesota’s 3,434 non-profits—including Mayo Clinic. Donors are encouraged to log on, choose their favorite charities and “give to the max.” Last year, the 24-hour event raised over $14 million, thanks to more than 38,000 donors, mostly from donations of $10 - $100. That’s the largest amount ever raised online in a single day. And this year organizers hope to do even better, reminding donors that any gift, large or small, makes a difference.

Please consider supporting medical research and education at Mayo Clinic by clicking here to make a gift of $10 or more. Over the past century, thousands of patients, friends and benefactors have shared their generosity with Mayo Clinic. Likewise, your gift can help to continually ensure the highest quality care.

Monday, Nov. 15 is National Philanthropy Day, which is sponsored by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (the AFP). This year marks the event’s 25th anniversary, and the southern Minnesota chapter of AFP will recognize Mayo with its Outstanding Philanthropic Organization award. The honor goes to organizations that demonstrate “outstanding commitment through financial support and through encouragement and motivation of others to take leadership roles toward philanthropy and community involvement.”

On Tuesday, the chapter will deliver the award at a special luncheon with Glenn Forbes, M.D., who leads a number of the clinic’s state and local initiatives. The recognition acknowledges both the clinic’s history and its most recent achievements. The AFP chapter notes Mayo as “a leader in our philanthropic community from its origins with the Doctors Mayo to the present day. The Awards Committee of our chapter thought it especially significant to honor Mayo Clinic in the year that Mayo brought the RACE exhibit to town and offered the opportunity for the Rochester community to view the exhibit free of charge and promote discussion about diversity in our community.”

This week marks two events that celebrate philanthropy and Mayo Clinic, one heralding our recent work and the other an opportunity to contribute to the future. Again, we encourage you to participate in "Give to the Max Day".