• Celebrating the Nursing Profession

National Nurses Week is May 6 through May 12. 2009.  The purpose of National Nurses Week is to raise awareness about the nursing profession and to help educate the public about the important role nurses play in health care.  Mayo Clinic will be celebrating Nurses Week as well; however, the Department of Nursing promotes the profession throughout the year.  For those interested in Mayo's remaining 2009 nursing conferences, please click on the following link:http://www.mayoclinic.org/jobs-nursing-rst/calendarconf.html

Another example of Mayo Clinic's dedication to professional nursing practice is the Nurses' Poster Fair.  On Tuesday, April 7, 2009, the Mayo Nursing Council hosted their annual Nurses' Poster Fair.  The theme of this year's poster fair was, "A Culture of Caring: Defining Our Future."  Over 50 posters highlighted the work Mayo Clinic nurses are taking to improve the patient care of the future.

Barb Schroeder, MS, RN, B-C CNS, has participated in the Nurses' Poster Fair for several years and has helped create a curriculum to educate nurses on how to develop a poster presentation.  Barb would like to share some of the poster fair's history with you as well as how the poster fair contributes to the nursing profession.

Please share any comments you may have in celebration of Nurses Week 2009!