• Health & Wellness

    Consumer Health: Lifestyle strategies to ease bladder control problems in women

a peaceful, calm looking middle-aged woman with a slight smile, standing in the sun

Urinary incontinence, or the loss of bladder control, is a common and often embarrassing problem. Severity can range from occasionally leaking urine when you cough or sneeze to having an urge to urinate that's so sudden and strong that you don't get to a toilet in time.

Bladder control problems may require medical attention for several reasons. Reduced bladder control may cause you to restrict your physical activities or withdraw from social interactions. Sometimes bladder control problems may be caused by a serious underlying medical condition, such as diabetes or kidney disease.

Simple lifestyle changes may improve bladder control or enhance response to medication. You can try these techniques before trying other types of treatment, such as medications or surgery, or in combination with them.

If you've been struggling with the embarrassment and discomfort of a bladder control problem, here are some strategies that may help.

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