• Sharing Mayo Clinic

    Coordination Helps Jim Kissinger Get the Comprehensive Care He Needs

Trying to manage a variety of serious medical conditions on his own was a daunting task. But now, thanks to his Mayo Clinic Health System care coordinator, Jim Kissigner has a knowledgeable partner to turn to when he needs some help.

Trying to manage a variety of serious medical conditions on his own was a daunting task. But now, thanks to his Mayo Clinic Health System care coordinator, Jim Kissinger has a knowledgeable partner to turn to when he needs some help.

A host of health problems have hit Jim Kissinger of Stone Lake, Wisconsin, hard in the last few years — among them heart disease, diabetes and difficulty with his legs. Living nearly 100 miles from his doctor in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, doesn't make staying on top of his medical situation any easier. But Jim, age 81, says care coordination certainly does.

"When you have more complex things that come up all at once, which has happened to me within the last year and a half, it just gets a little overwhelming," Jim says. "When I heard about care coordination, I thought it sounded like a great concept."

Care coordination offered through Mayo Clinic Health System is intended for those who are managing multiple medical conditions. It provides intensive, individualized services to help people navigate their health care and coordinate services among their various providers.

"For Jim, we're focused on helping him manage his medical conditions as best he can, coming in appropriately, and seeing the right person at the right time," says Jon Andersen, a nurse and Jim's care coordinator at Mayo Clinic Health System in Eau Claire. "This helps keep Jim feeling well, enjoying his daily activities, and prevents unnecessary Emergency Department visits and hospitalizations."

Working together, with a focus on health

When Jim enrolled in the care coordination program, he was seeing providers from two medical systems, which made setting up appointments at the recommended intervals challenging.

"Sometimes, I had to wait three months for an appointment, and trying to schedule that between two systems was almost impossible," Jim says, noting that Andersen was able to make helpful recommendations for new providers and assist with the transition.

"To have someone on the inside, like Jon, is invaluable. You lay out the problem, and you work together on resolving it." — Jim Kissinger

"There are things that you just can't resolve on your own," Jim says. "To have someone on the inside, like Jon, is invaluable. You lay out the problem, and you work together on resolving it. I think that's the important thing — it's more of a team concept on trying to get the patient working together with the medical team."

Jim is one of about 30 patients under Andersen's care. Andersen and the 11 other care coordinators see patients from across the region. Sometimes, the care coordinator and patients meet in person. Other times, they consult over the phone.

"Our goal is to simplify the experience for our patients and focus on their individual health goals," Andersen says. "It's a team-based approach with doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, a psychotherapist, social worker and pharmacist all collaborating to care for our patients."

Providing support

Jim marvels at how much his joining care coordination has helped with his health conditions, from adjusting his medications to changing his diet to exploring clinical trials he might benefit from — all with Andersen by his side.

"He's just great. He listens well, and he understands from the patient's viewpoint," Jim says.

"Our goal is to simplify the experience for our patients and focus on their individual health goals." — Jon Andersen

Andersen says he's been happy to help Jim become a more empowered and confident health care consumer.

"It's about supporting patients and encouraging self-management," Andersen says. "But they should know that whenever they have questions, they have a person to call when things arise."