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    Discovery’s Edge: Transform health care one moment at time

man drawing ideas on wipeboard at Transform conference

For ten years Transform has thrived on the expertise and energy of attendees from around the world. Participants influence the course of the conference with compelling questions during unpacking segments, expand the discussion during meet the speaker conversations, and share insights throughout the conference.

Attendees also play a vital role in breakout sessions at Transform. Facilitated by experts who are leading initiatives to make the transformation of health care possible, breakouts provide an opportunity to focus on strategies to address key questions, such as:

What's Wrong?
By carefully identifying problems, considering all of those affected, and executing quick tests of change, health care teams can stop solution jumping and get to the real root of a problem.
Led by Diane Klein and Tracee Vetting Wolf
Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation

What Counts?
By understanding patient segments and choosing meaningful measures, health care providers can be equipped for new payment models and shape the future of how new models are adopted and used.
Led by Elizabeth Teisberg, Ph.D., and Scott Wallace
Value Institute for Health and Care, University of Texas Dell Medical School

What's Broken?
Through a carefully designed process to understand imminent payment reform challenges, health care leaders can catalyze the development of a sustainable framework to transform clinical practice. This allows organizations to thrive, rather than merely react, in a risk-based environment.
Led by Robert Nesse, M.D., Lyell Jones Jr., M.D., Kathleen Harrington, John Poe, Allison Matthews, and David Derby
Mayo Clinic

What Matters?
The victories of social movements can provide insight into how people, health care organizations, and policymakers might work together to expand and invent ways of addressing what people and communities need.
Led by Jackie del Castillo and Halima Khan
Nesta Health Lab

We are at a critical moment: the transition to value-based payment, political and policy uncertainty, and challenges of affordability and access are impacting patients, providers, payers, communities, and systems. Transform 2017 will focus on the essential challenge of closing the gap between people and health.

Transform is the health care innovation conference that brings together change agents and decision makers addressing pivotal issues to boldly transform health care. Please join us September 27-29th at the Mayo Civic Center in Rochester, Minnesota.  Register Now!

For a few days, you join a community of intensely curious peopleall of whom are eager to explore foundational questions that are otherwise sidelined in standard analyses of health care in the United States. Transform doesn't shy away from any of it.  – Lauren Taylor, Co-Author, The American Health Care Paradox, (past Transform speaker)