e-Patient Dave and Dr. Victor Montori on Patient Empowerment
This Medical Edge Weekend program features patient activist Dave DeBronkart, a.k.a. "e-Patient Dave", and Mayo Clinic endocrinologist Dr. Victor Montori on patient empowerment. For more background, see the Wikipedia entries on Dave DeBronkart and Dr. Montori. Dave is also the author of a forthcoming book, and Dr. Montori is a pioneer in the concept of Minimally Disruptive Medicine.
For background, here's a video clip of Dr. Montori talking about how stopping clinical trials early can exaggerate treatment effects, from Mayo Clinic's YouTube channel. And here is a video of Dr. Montori describing minimally disruptive medicine:
And here's an address by Dave DeBronkart about Patient Empowerment from a conference last year: